Introducing for the first time in North India, the voice of Jain society will highlight the life and principles of Jainism through a television channel named Aatma. The channel will promote preaching’s of Jainism through sharing the word from all its Gurus. The channel’s showcase of Lord Mahavir’s preaching with other well known preachers will reach every house and corner, with the ultimate aim of making Jainism a world known faith.
- Preachers from all the four sects with other Gurus will enlighten devotees with their blessings
- Shows live coverage of sermons from all the Gurus
- Features Jain Bhajans
- Meeting a well known personality from the Jain Society
- Talks on religious news
- Speaking about child’s rites/practices
- Presenting activities for children that would assist them to increase their knowledge on religion
- Featuring journeys of all pilgrimages like Temples and Samadhis
- Getting acquainted with Jain Schools, Hospitals & other Jain affairs
- Get guidance about Akshar Gyan
You too can support the channel by sponsoring towards ’the sermons given by Jain Gurus or any other related programmes shown over here. Also you can support by advertising your business commercially through this channel. Your valuable contribution on spreading the preaching’s of Jain principles will prove beneficial to you whilst you watch sitting at home. By enlisting your sponsorship on new programs about Jain principles and its life, you too participate in the promotion of Jainism.